नेतृत्व विकास सम्बन्धी तालिम लेखिएको ब्यानरका साथमा तालिमका सहभागीहरू

Completed 3-day leadership development training in Kathmandu and Chitwan

Federation of Parents of Intellectual Disabilities Nepal is an umbrella organization of persons with intellectual disabilities and their parents who advocate and lobby for the rights of intellectual disabilities. It has also been doing different things in capacity building of its member organizations. Continuing that order, this federation has completed this leadership development training in Chitwan and Kathmandu from 27th to 29th of Paush 2079 under the Kopila project organized by Federation of Parents of Intellectual Disabilities Nepal and with the support of Lev Inclusion Denmark. The training was facilitated by Raju Basnet, the president of the Federation and a subject expert, with a total of 24 people including 15 women participating in the training. There was active participation of the participants in the program conducted by methods like games, group work, brainstorming, market management.

Similarly, in the training held in Kathmandu, the participants of the member organizations of Saptari and Kathmandu district of this federation were involved, and a total of 24 people enthusiastically participated in the training. The training was facilitated by senior advocate Sudarshan Subedi.

At the end of the training on the 29th of May, the participants thanked the Federation of Parents of Intellectual Disabilities Nepal and promised to advocate for the rights of people with intellectual disabilities by using the skills learned in the training in their respective fields of work. Nirmal Kumar Shrestha, president of Intellectual Disability Parents' Association, Chitwan, concluded the training by saying that the participants benefited from this training, which was conducted with the aim of enhancing skills, knowledge and abilities, and believed that they would use the things learned here in their respective districts.

Some glimpses of Chitwan's training

Some glimpses of training in Kathmandu

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