बौद्धिक अपाङ्गता‌ भएका बालबालिकाको हेरचाह सम्बन्धी तालिमको ब्यानर सहित सहभागीहरूका साथमा तालिमका सहजकर्ता मुकुन्दहरि दाहाल

Completed training on caring for children with intellectual disabilities in Kathmandu

The training related to the care of children with intellectual disabilities organized by Federation of Parents of Intellectual Disabilities Nepal and conducted with the support of Lev Inclusion Denmark was completed in Kathmandu on 27th and 28th Paush 2079. The training was attended by 21 parents of people with intellectual disabilities from Kathmandu and Saptari districts, and the training was facilitated by Mukundahari Dahal Ju.

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