Completed training for Chitwan and Lamjung Parents Association of Intellectual Disabilities on identification and mobilization of local resources.

Beshishahar! A two-day training on identification and mobilization of local resources organized by the Federation of Parents of Intellectual Disabilities, Nepal has concluded in Paudi, Lamjung.

The program, run with financial support from Lev Inclusion Denmark, was trained by Mr. Nirmal Bhandari, an expert in institutional development.

The first day included the definition of resources and resource mobilization, and methods of resource mobilization, with the active participation of 18 parents from Chitwan and Lamjung districts.

On the second day of the program, training was provided on preparing a list of tasks that an organization can perform, mapping and collecting information from resource providers, analyzing the factors that motivate resource providers, and preparing an action plan for resource mobilization.

The training, conducted using games, group discussions, institutional discussions, and storytelling methods, was also measured using an introductory questionnaire and a final questionnaire.

Some photos captured from the training program:

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