Federation of Parents of Intellectual Disability, Nepal is the only umbrella organization active in the field of Intellectual Disability Rights at the national level leading the campaign for the rights of Intellectual Disability. Established in 2068, this federation has 57 member organizations in 47 districts. This association, which has been working on policy advocacy and initiatives, institutional and capacity development of organizations to ensure the rights and respect of people with intellectual disabilities, is active in promoting rights initiatives and advocacy in coordination with organizations at the national and local levels, informing the parents of intellectual disabilities about the issue of rights, enhancing their capabilities.
In order to promote and mobilize people with intellectual disabilities and their parents according to the rights-oriented concept, it is conducting its programs based on thematic areas such as inclusive education, self-advocacy, against all kinds of violence against women and children, advocacy for basic rights, sustainability and capacity development. Also, for the coming year 2022-26, the goal is to strategically conduct programs based on inclusive education, self-advocacy and livelihood.