Taking to heart the fact that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) ensures the protection of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, and with the aim of ensuring that words, terminology, images or language that are offensive to the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities are not used or intentions are not expressed through words, speech or visuals during the mass communication process, it is desirable for the mass media and journalists to bear additional responsibility, sensitivity and accountability towards persons with disabilities in the course of their duties. Therefore, the Press Council Nepal, in consultation with the Federation of Nepalese Journalists and the National Federation of the Disabled Nepal, has issued the Disability-Friendly Communication Guidelines - 2073, exercising the authority granted by Section (12) of the Journalist Code of Conduct - 2073. The guidelines contain information on what to do and what not to do while disseminating news related to disabilities.

Disability Friendly Communication Directory - 2073
Publication year : 2073
Language: Nepali
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